If you are like me who is always snacky, keeps visiting the kitchen for some fun munchies, tries to maintain a healthy routine but is tired of high calories, high sugar and high salt stuff that brands keep bombarding you with, then you are at the right place. I always try to keep my meals and workouts right but the snacks throw me off. Here I list out some alternatives that can help you out!
Homemade Popcorn
I had no idea popcorn can be so light. All the butter and salt everywhere make it seem to high calorie but it is actually a perfect filling snack! Plus, so simple and quick. A cup of popcorn would have around 30-50 calories only.
Found some options on amazon. It's surprisingly low calories - only 25 calories per packet. Seems good snack. I have ordered some and will leave you with feedback soon!
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Super simple and super quick. I am thinking I'll cook a whole bunch of these and store for the week. Will come back with thoughts. A whole 100gm sweet potato will have 86 calories but that's a lot of sweet potato!
This was obviously coming. I used to be all explorer mode with fruits and spend a lot of time to eat them. Finally decided to restrict myself to quick eats like miniature mandarins (absolute fan of these), strawberries and blueberries. Only these for now, looking for more easy fresh ones. There's cut pineapple spears but they always look sus to me, I'm here looking for fresh options.
Last in the list because this takes a lot of prep time, doesn't last long in the refigerator either, and is as good as your dressing. Be cautious with your dressing and with the right salad recipe, you will likely fall in love with salads!
Parting Thoughts
Despite the list, I know it is not the same to make the shift. Remember, those shelf snacks are designed to get you hooked. Once you make the shift and persevere, you feel much better, have a healthier diet and those snacks start looking unappetizing. You have taken the first step by reading this post, you can get through! Try these alternatives and comment your favorites or suggestions!